University students towards 2030
#SDGAction39443 – #SDGAction43891
Objectives for 2024
university students

Contribute to improvement.
Young people who are in upper secondary education or technical and vocational schools often face challenges when it comes to finding a place in the workforce and contributing to the economic development of their community. They may wish to work as employees, independent professionals, or entrepreneurs, but figuring out how to do so can be difficult. Recent studies show that globally, 30% of graduates do not find employment in their studied discipline. Additionally, the International Labor Organization (ILO) reports that 30% of companies are unable to fill advertised positions due to a lack of qualified personnel with the required competencies.
Many young people in Latin America who lack employment opportunities often turn to entrepreneurship as a solution. However, they often lack support and guidance in evaluating their ideas and making strategic decisions. Many cannot afford professional development workshops that provide assistance with strategy formulation, solution design, and other essential services. As a result, they may make incorrect decisions about their business model, product positioning, or market selection, or fail to understand customer needs. Shockingly, 50% of these new businesses do not survive past their first three years.
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an effective tool for personal, professional, and business strategy, but its high cost makes it inaccessible to Latin American students.
Non-profit volunteer workshops for higher education students are coordinated with certified facilitators using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method to amplify social impact through accelerated action.
Universities – are leading the way by organizing and running online LSP workshops for their peers.
University students – can participate in an LSP workshop for free, where they can develop their vision and contribute to the project.
Certified Facilitators are conducting five online workshops pro bono with groups of higher education students. They are documenting the results to contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Universidad Tecnológica del Poniente is responsible for documenting the experiences of the participants and facilitators involved in the #SDGAction39443 project and confidently presenting the results to the United Nations.
Project Leaders, the Ad Hoc Advisory team: Gloria de León, Isaac Gómez, Alejandro Kantún, Carlos Baas, Hiram Oliveros."
1. Assisting students in their final semesters of higher education institutions to facilitate the transition from school life to the world of work and entrepreneurship.
2. Introduce and promote LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP) Method at universities for personal and business development through problem-solving, goal-setting, and project planning.
3. Assisting facilitators with a platform to practice the method online, contributing to the social and economic development of the community to which they belong.
4. Assist the university community by offering free workshops designed to empower and equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the job market or confidently start their own business.
5. As part of the SDGAction39443 initiative, providing information to support the research line of Universidad Tecnológica del Poniente.
Participating Universities
Centro de Capacitación Creaciones Acrílicas – Santo Domingo – Rep Dominicana
Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo Humano CINDEHU
Centro Educativo Metropolitano – República Dominicana
Da Vinci de Guatemala
EBC- Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (campus Toluca)
Escuela de Negocios de la Cuauhtémoc – México
Estancias Infantiles SOS – República Dominicana
Facultad de Economía y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
INESPO – Instituto De Estudios De Posgrado En Ciencias Y Humanidades
Instituto de estudios superiores en biotecnología médica
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – México
Justo Sierra
Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra – Recinto Santiago de los Caballeros, Rep Dominicana
Tecnológico de Monterrey – Campus Ciudad de México
Tecnológico de Puebla
Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Apizaco
Tecnológico Universitario de Aguascalientes – México
UAM (Azcapotzalco)
Universidad Anáhuac – México
Universidad Anáhuac Cancún – México
Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro – México
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Universidad Autónoma de México
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo – República Dominicana
Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala
Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno – Bolivia
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo Sede Santa Cruz- Bolivia
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo Sede La Paz – Bolivia
Universidad CENFOTEC
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Universidad de Calvillo – México
Universidad de San Isidro
Universidad del Atlántico
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Universidad Europea – Madrid – España
Universidad La Salle AC – CDMX – México
Universidad La Salle Laguna
Universidad Lead
Universidad Madero de Puebla
Universidad Marista
Universidad Maya, campus Tuxtla Gutierrez
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés – Bolivia
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – Facultad de Medicina
Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora – México
Universidad Privada Domingo Savio-Sede la Paz – Bolivia
Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo – Bolivia
Universidad Tecnológica del Poniente – México
Universidad Tecnológica del Retoño
If you are a leader or collaborator in a higher education institution and would like our volunteers to carry out this initiative for your students, please email us at[email protected]
Our recognition to the most active volunteers!
Certified Facilitators in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method
Ahmed José Awad Lubrano
Alejandro E. García Coello
Alejandro Juárez Calzada
Alejandro Kantún
Argenis Paredes
Ana Laura Estrada Santana
Ann Margareth Morales Sánchez
Antonio Santa Cruz
Brenda Eugenia Castro Martínez
Cecilia García
Claudia Andrea Cruz Flores
Claudia Barbarella Contreras
Erika Hernández
Fabio Richard Diaz Palacios
Fernando Villagrana Juarez
Filiberto Cano
Gabriela Nava
Giselle Garrido
Gloria de León
Henerys Custodio
Heriberto Álvarez Guzmán
Hiram Oliveros
Hugo Juárez Palacios
Isaac Gómez Mercado
Ivana S. González García
Jazmín Tuco Magueño
Jeniffer Damaris Salazar Delgado
José Gustavo Hau Salgado
José Iván Vázquez Ceballos
Juan Carlos Duran Consuegra
Karla Araceli Ríos V.
Leticia María José Gálvez
Lorena Gutiérrez Navarro
Luis Daniel Bruno Vargas
Luis Jaime Chávez
Magdalena A. Rescala Pérez
Marcela Martínez
Marco Antonio Santillán Farrera
María Teresa Negrete Rivera
María Vidaurreta
Mario Miguel Aguero Obando
Miguel Hernández Galindo
Moira Devoy
Mónica Gosalvez Saravia
Ofelia Flores Recio
Orlando Silva Fonseca
Rita Maria Noguera Ricardi
Roberto Alvaro Rossell Pedraza
Rogelio Meneses
Sagrario López
Sandra Sandoval
Salomón Herrera Acajabon
Sergio Hernández Ledward
Silvia Velásquez Avila
Sofia Rosales Arías
Yohanna Liz Fournier
Yunior De la Rosa
Zilghians Gloriana Ramírez